Thursday, February 14, 2013

Change in MRI Schedule!

After a long year of chemo I have good news to share! I have completed and reviewed my MRI with spectroscopy and perfusion and my tumor has officially disappeared from the MRI, enough for me to move to a quarterly MRI schedule.

In any case my Tumor Board (that's right, when you have a neuro-surgeon and an onchologist treating you you get to call your doctors a Tumor Board!) has decided that I should continue with my chemo cycles. I am getting too comfortable with my health and keep postponing my onchologist visit but since I am not having any side effects whatsoever under chemo we are extending my treatment for another 6 months.

I will do another MRI in March and if nothing is shown that is excellent news! My last chemo cycle was in December and it will probably take me another 6 weeks to start my next cycle, the time between my next consultation and the traditional wait for the Public Health Care system to evaluate my need to extend my chemo and provide me with free drugs.

In the mean time I continue to work hard, exercise and live a full life, if things continue like this my upcoming birthday will be a massive party!

I insist in my belief that the combination of Temodar and exercising is the secret for my cure, this might be just luck or simply the effect of Temodar alone, but if you want to check my theory just go to my latest post on "We Can Think With Glioma" at

Time to sleep, really rainy and busy day in São Paulo, but it still feels great to live with glioma, every days feels like a real blessing and now more than ever I need to make everyday count, I hope you do that too!


  1. Great! i really believe in your theory, but you know, suspect..

  2. It's great to hear that things are going well with your treatments. Next thing you know, you can switch from quarterly MRIs to biannual. Thank you for sharing your journey, Patrick! It's great inspiration for getting through my own battle. Best regards!


    1. Thanks Julio, and I hope you get through your battle too, this is just another battle in this long journey full of battles called life.
