Saturday, September 3, 2011

Seeing the Positives Always!

Two weeks ago my family, rightly so, in essence forced me not to drive anymore worried that I can have a seizure while driving. As I dug into it it turns out that this is the right thing to do, so I am a carless man.

My first reaction was complete shock, how can I live without driving? Then it occurred to me that bus stops are aleays full, people get rides, cabs exist and our family can survive without a second car! So how many positives can I get out of this?

1. I need to find a place to live close to work, saving me at least 2 hours commuting
2. Big savings in gas, car and insurance
3. Walking to work
4. Reducing my carbon footprint!

Anyway I realized in my desperation that I was not abbiding by one of my biggest principles. When one has a life changing event (death, job loss, accident etc) it is very difficult to imagine a better life after it. That is because we have a tendency to look back, and when we do that there is only one path: the one we already took. When we look forward things are much better because we have choices, and they are infinite!

Next message on Sept 17, post MRI.



  1. Patrick,
    In a couple of lines you have been able to summarize those things that are important after all. You are with your loved ones and you own your options.
    Keep pushing forward, you have a great group of friends on your side cheering for you!
    Un fuerte abrazo desde Houston!
    El Dani Benitez

  2. Cars are overrated anyways! Remember all the good times at Cappy's and fussball (where I'd let you win j/k) - you gotta make a trip to this corner of the world man. We're all here for you!
    - Anjan
