Tuesday, January 17, 2012

First Chemo Day - Allez Klar!

Thank you! Your prayers worked!
I cannot believe this but just like my oncologist predicted I am reacting very well to my chemo medicine, Temodal. I had a full meal after taking it, had a totally normal night of sleep and woke-up for a big breakfast, which now is a bit healthier than my pre-glioma breakfast. My old breakfast consisted of a cereal bar and chocolate milk. Now I have a slightly different breakfast, with a Granola/Yogurt combo, coffee and a banana. Today Livia added a fruit smoothy to the mix, with a full Papaya (including the seeds), apple, banana and orange (and probably another mistery fruit...). I have to confess that I am worried a Papaya tree might grow inside me, but I suppose my digestion will take care of that! This is a radical shift from my previous life behavior, when I would joke I didn't eat things that didn't walk, such as fruit and vegetables.
Thank you so much for all your notes, prayers, positive thoughts and support. Once again you are proving that friends are always the best medicine, you cured my anxiety and prepared me for a smooth start to chemo. I am doing great, 3 more days of chemo to go to finish my first cycle, but the first day could not have gone better, assuming that the Temodal is already working its magic on my remaining tumor.
God bless you all, I hope that as you look at me you realize, just like I did, that God is always there for you when you need him. Your collective love and support have all been a proof of God's love, so thank you for being here at this very important moment.

Love you!


  1. Cada dia uma nova vitória, Patrick! Que Deus continue abençoando você, e que tudo volte rapidamente à normalidade da bela e doce vida ao lado de sua família.

    Meu único receio agora é que você, que já alto, volte a crescer se esse pé de Papaya começar a desenvolver-se aí dentro, KKKKKK

    Grande abraço!

  2. Great news! Keep eating things that don't walk for a while that you are going to be fine. Cheers!

  3. Boa Patrick! Ficamos felizes com mais essa notícia. Keep posting! Beijão

  4. Hi Patrick. It's Aimee Watters (Romasco). I just found out about your health news and wanted to tell you that you and your family are in my prayers. I know if there is anyone who can beat this thing it is you. I always admired how you were able to solve such complicated and tough business issues with confidence and ease (what we coined Macedo math :) ) and I am sure you are tackling this thing in the same way. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. You are an inspiration to all.

  5. Patrick,
    I have to confess that, at fist, receiving your email gave me a punch in the gut, literally. Then I realized that less than a month ago, you had surgery and today, you are able to write, joke, and be the Patrick I met last year. One of my best friend's son had a similar tumor, he did the surgery and chemo and today, that young man is finishing his Engineering master degree in one of the most challenging school in Europe. The tumor is GONE, no sequel, no nothing, just gone!
    So I started thinking and comparing you 2 guys to find similarities and I found one: YOU NEVER GIVE UP! When I lived in Sao Paulo, my dear Friend Anderson told me about the story of Hebert Viana. Since that day, I never forgot the sentence: "Eu sou brasileiro e não desisto nunca".
    Nao sei se tem uma frase tao poderosa que essa. E isso mesmo, nao tem mais nada que essas palavras para virar essa luta em vitoria. Eu nao tenho nenhuma duvida, NENHUMA; eu sei que vc vai recuperar totalmente e toda essa historia vai ser mais um exemplo da tua forca, da tua vontade a se superar sempre. Bom acima de tudo voce foi para a Franca para ter cirurgia, ai meu amigo, como vc escrivi, agora vc e um pouco Frances tambem!! kkkkk
    Patrick, a forca da tuas palavras e uma fonte de inspiração para min.... imagina isso, e voce quem toma as pilulas, sou eu que aproveita!
    Continua, nunca desisto, nunca, mesmo longe eu quero te dar um pull de vida.
    Um forte abraco do Frances com um coracao Brasileiro que vc encontrou nos EUA.
