Wednesday, December 21, 2011

First Post Surgery Update

- Dec 13-11: Resected 95% of my glioma - Thank God and Prof. Duffau's #1 team

Today is Dec 21st and I finally feel in good shape, in good spirits and energized to recap my surgery.

I entered the surgery room very alert and knowing exactly how Prof. Duffau's team could use my help. I went in with my mind set to show all my skills as the team resected my brain. My mission was to highlight any neurological deficits while the brain was stimulated. The first involuntary reaction I had that indicated a non-touch zone after electrode stimulation was a short stretching of a few words, i.e. "dddddddddog". I joked that I sounded like a DJ. To help I also counted in 5 languages while I moved my left side limbs (hand and foot) and the team was able to preserve the healthy and functional part of my brain. They were able to remove a considerable portion of the tumor but there was still a small piece left. The surgery was very delicate and that was why I wanted to be aware to anticipate potential deficits with the medical team. A small portion of the tumor was very close to a stream of motor nerves that control my left side movement. Removing it was Prof. Duffau's last attempt. As he stimulated with electrodes those nerves, my whole left side froze, stubbornly not moving. 

At that point the doctor and I discussed the alternatives, including keeping that piece as a precaution. We agreed to do that.

That was the last surgical act. The results were beyond my expectations. We resected 90% of the tumor without any neurological deficit. There is only one explanation for this: I was in God's hands. Thanks to all of you who prayed and for the medical team who has invested so much of their lives to save people like me. I feel like I was born again. I still have additional treatment (chemo) but this step was as good as possible. I am blessed.
(by Livia from Patrick's own handwriting)


  1. Long live Patrick Macedo!!!! Wohoo! We'll keep the prayers coming from me and the family. All the best for Christmas, and may the blessings continue to shower down through chemo!

  2. Praise Heaven above. God is certainly a loving God. Keep pushing on you will do it. Love The Mascilli
