Thursday, December 8, 2011

What a Week!

I am now in Montpellier where I met my surgeon, Dr.Duffau, and an anestheseologist, who reviewed my medical history to ensure that I am able to be sedated.

Before I talk about that I want to share how optimistic I am about the procedure, not from a medical stand-point but from all the support I am getting from my family and friends.

This weekend was incredible. It started with a farewell dinner at the office on Friday to send me to France in good spirits. On Saturday, a lunch with dear cousins, my girls and Livia, and dinner with my parents and in-laws at night. Finally a very special event on Sunday. Every year my College friends get together to celebrate the end of another year. This has been happening since we graduated in 1996 and we did it again.

We are a very tight group of friends but this year-end party was special to me. First because I haven't attented it in 5 years, but most importantly because Livia and my friends prepared me an amazing surprise: an album with several pictures, testimonials and love to boost my spirit right before I left, a College coat from our Athletics Association, the source of our friendship. and to top it off a friend brought over 200 wrist-bands with the phrase "Força Patrick", which means "Strenght Patrick". Everyone that attended the party is wearing one today, plus all the family members and friends that we could get these to before I left. What a gift!

In addition to this weekend's events, I received great messages, gifts, amulets (all very meaningful to me and the givers) and two incredible messages from my friends' sons that I wanted to share:
- my friends' 9 year old son asked his teacher if his school could build a chapel for him to pray for his dad's friend. WOW!
- A personal hero, who at only 2 years old went through way more than I am going through now with his mom and dad, asked his mom if I was going to get my hair shaved. He advised me to wear a rainbow wig, those are cool!
I won't let you down, I will get better and will come back with a great rainbow wig!

Now back to Montpellier... What an incredilble city. The people here are extremely friendly, we are feeling really welcome. But the person that impressed me the most was Dr. Duffau. With the extra years of life he has given to so many people and the huge contributions he makes to Neurosurgery, I felt like I was talking to an angel. A calm, peaceful, knowledgeable genius who gave me the confidence that my brain is in the best hands on Earth for God to work his magic.

Trust me, we are doing together everything we can, wish me well, 5 days to go.

I will be hospitalized on Monday, Dec 12, and the surgery begins in the morning of Dec 13.

Merci Beaucoup!



  1. Patrick, por mais que tudo indicasse que você é o candidato ideal pra segurar a onda numa cirurgia como essa, confesso que depois que vocês foram a ansiedade foi subindo... E recebemos com festa e emoção mais essa vitória sua. Parabéns amigo. Não é trivial se mostrar preparado para uma cirurgia dessas. Obrigada por manter a gente tão próximo. Continuamos aquinna torcida e nas orações. Próximos planos: levar as meninas pra Paris pra conhecer as fashionistas! Beijo grande, MA e Xandao

  2. Patrick, obrigado por nos manter informados de tudo. Estamos todos ansiosos pelo seu retorno.
    "Força Patrick".

  3. Salut, Patrick! Te agradeço pelo show de humanidade com que você tem nos brindado. Estamos te acompanhando, de coração. Bon courage. Beijos pra vocês. Regina

  4. I have been praying and thinking of you and your family all day

  5. You are in my thoughts and prayers today for a successful surgery.
