Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Diagnostic

I was sent to the ICU with suspicion of bacterial or viral brain infection. Liquor was taken from my back to evaluate my prognostic but I was warned that if exams came back clean most likely I had a brain tumor. I don't think I've ever wished so hard to have a viral or bacterial infection. Spent 2 nights at the ICU and became good friends with the nurses, talking about everything, from basketball to kids, motorcycles and soccer. I only had one hour a day to be visited, so the hospital crew was really important to keep my mind busy. After 2 days the diagnose was ready - low grade insular glioma with 2 suspicious spots that might be turning into a grade 3 - and this means we need surgery.

Nothing prepares a 37 year-old for this kind of news - I went from thinking I was imortal to believing I was on my death bed.

1 comment:

  1. Patrick, I do not why but I do not have any problem imagining you talking "to everybody" about everything!
