Saturday, July 23, 2011

Moving On

On July 20th I went back to work. It felt so good to get back with life. I had a doctor visit in the afternoon (another pro-surgery opinion) and went back home. Ran 5k very slowly, most doctors told me to take it easy on exercising. This might be the first order I will not follow.
Worked all day the following 2 days, and on Friday afternoon I received the best news - it is OK to exercise as long as someone is with me in case something happens. The funniest thing was to receive calls from my wife and dad asking me to take it easy at work - I always said that working never killed anybody, and I am not about to be the first one. Working really made me feel great. And getting back home to my daughters after a good day was the perfect way to finish, life is good.
Two weeks after my seizure I have to share that I feel like I am totally back on track. The prayers, positive thoughts, messages, support and love I've experienced in the last two weeks reassured me that no matter what happens I am the luckiest man in the world and I will do my best to bring smiles to everyone around me.


  1. O mano! Muita sorte, estamos com vc. Aquele abraco. Paraskevas

  2. Patrick! Muita forca! Estamos com vc! Você esta em nossas preces! Muitos beijos pra vc e suas tres meninas lindas!

  3. Dear Patrick
    I do not know you in person but I came to know of your blog and story through facebook. I was touched by your testemony. Believe always! We have an awesome God loving and compassionate. He reachs out to us in times of joy and in times of needs. He is a God who heals the sick and raises the wounded. A God of miracles... If you only believe. I will keep you in my prayers.
    My name is Fernanda Mello.

  4. Patrick, somos nós, o Victor e a Carla.
    Descobrimos, com o seu blog, que gostamos de você (e da Lívia) muito mais do que podíamos imaginar. Você é uma cara muito bacana e especial, a sua família tem muita sorte de ter você como pai, filho ou marido. Além disso, queria dizer ainda algo meio óbvio, enfim: as portas da nossa casa estão sempre abertas para você, para a Lívia e para as meninas. Será um enorme prazer revê-los qualquer hora. Um grande abraço man, que bom que vocês estão de volta à terrinha, continue escrevendo e compartilhando a sua alma grande, continue com Deus.
    Com muito amor,
    Victor e Carla

  5. Patrickão meu velho companheiro, estamos todos com você nessa caminhada, como sempre estivemos.

  6. Hi Brother! I just found out and read through your blog. I love the blog! I wish I could see you, but I know how happy you were to be going back and I am also very happy that you (and your family!) are back home to get through this trying time! Know that we're all thinking of you up here and will try to help you through the tough times if we can, knowing you'll come out on the other side!

  7. Fala Patrick, adorei a ideia do blog assim nao fico enchendo a sacola de vcs perguntando como vc está!!!!
    Fiquei muito feliz em saber que o Roger está dando uma força para vc. Ele é especial assim como vc é muito importante para nos.
    Se cuida, so quero saber quem vai ser seu acompanhante na malhação. Acho que a Livia vai virar tri-atleta!!!! Bj nas meninas e na Livia, marcinha

  8. Patrick,
    That was stunning news to read on one hand, and inspirational on the other. Your courage and positive attitude are inspiring. I cannot imagine a more joyous person than you when I picture you riding your bike. It is clear that you are infused with positive energy, which you seem ready to put to use. We're all pulling for you here in Pittsburgh. Pendure em aí irmão.

  9. Patrick, wow what can I say. I am glad you are back in Brazil with family and have such wonderful support. I know with your positive attitude and love of life, you will sail through this. Yes, despite the doctors advice, keep exercising it is good for the body and the soul. I will check on your blog to keep informed here in Pittsburgh.

  10. Hi Patrick,

    It was a shocking news after I saw your posting on FB. However, I have a very positive story to share with you. My uncle was diagnosed with glioblastoma in spring of 2002. (I am not sure what the difference is between glioma and glibblastoma, but based on Google, glioblastoma seems to be the highest grade of glioma.) He was driving on a highway, and all of sudden lost conscious just like you and had a car accident. He had surgery + chemo + radiation. It's been almost 10 years now and he looks as if he's a normal healthy person (he is 65 years old now). I was not closely following up with his treatment plan and his daily life, but am thinking to put you in touch with him so you can share experience. If you are interested in learning how he's been fighting this battle, let me know and I will give you his contact information.

    One thing for sure - my uncle is a very positive and optimistic person. He's always smiling and always has a lot of hopes. Take it easy and don't put too much pressure on yourself. Remember your friends are always here supporting you.



  11. Patrick, fiquei sabendo só hoje deste seu novo desafio.... Tenho certeza que com este alto astral você vai tirar de letra e tudo vai se resolver rapidinho! estou na torcida e rezando por você. um beijo pra toda a família e toda força do mundo!!! Beijos, Chris Lomonaco

  12. Patrick, Eu não o conheço nem você me conhece... Sou casada com o Murad (Antun). Só queria que você soubesse que mesmo não o conhecendo estou orando por você. Estamos (Murad e eu). E nos comprometemos a faze-lo diariamente. Sinta-se acompanhado por nós em pensamentos, torcida e orações.

  13. Hi Patrick,
    Bill has sent the link of your blog to the group and I just read it after returning from Kingston.
    Not sure what to say at this moment. This is quite a curve ball that life has thrown at you, but I am sure that you will hit this one out of the park.
    It is great to hear that the medical support is fantastic in Sao Paulo and that you have such a wonderful support net around you. With your optimism, your positive attitude and strong will, I know that you master this challenge and give others lots of hope with your blog.
    Keep your body and brain busy and don't accept everything your physicians tell you. They are not always right :) When I am in Sao Paulo we will go for a run, if you promise not to kick my butt to hard...
    Best, Andreas
